C++ Main Four Features

C++ four features name?
=>C++ programming language main four features name is:
                       1>Data Abstraction
Discuss short details of C++ features:
=>Data Abstraction:Any representation of Data in which the implementation Details are hidden.
Abstract Data type and object are two primary forms of data abstraction.
Encapsulation:The ability to provided users with a well user defined interface to a set of function in a which hides their internal workings.
In object oriented programming language the technique of keeping together data stracture and the methods.
Inheritence:in object oriented programming language inheritence is one type of main feature.
when a class derived from anothe class then it's called as inheritence.which class we derived this class called as parent class or super class ,and another class called as chiled class or subclass.
Polymorphism:Polymorphism refers to abilityto define multiple classeswith functionally different,yet identically named method or propaties that can be used by client code at run time.


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